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Putin calls for creating int’l information security system against wiretapping

President Vladimir Putin said cyber espionage was blatant hypocrisy with regard to partners, a direct encroachment upon state sovereignty and a violation of human rights.

He said Russia was ready, together with other countries, to start developing an international information security system.

“As for the facts of cyber espionage …, it not only amounts to overt hypocrisy in relationships between allies and partners, but also a direct violation of the state's sovereignty, an infringement on human rights and an invasion of privacy,” Putin told ITAR-TASS ahead of his Latin American tour beginning on Friday, July 11.

“We are looking forward to jointly developing an international information security system,” he said.

He believes it is “especially important to consolidate the international community’s efforts to ensure equal and indivisible security, as well as to resolve disputes trough the application of international law and with the central coordinating role of the U.N.”

“The 21st century world is globalised and interdependent. Therefore, no state or group of countries can unilaterally tackle major international problems and any attempts to build a separate “oasis of stability and security” are doomed to failure,” Putin stressed.

“In order to meet numerous challenges and threats we have to stop trying to impose development models on other countries. This approach has repeatedly proven its ineffectiveness. It does not just fail to facilitate conflict resolution, but leads to instability and chaos in international affairs,” he said.

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