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Putin lays wreath to Jose Marti monument prior to meeting Raul Castro

After the wreath-laying ceremony, Putin visited the Jose Marti museum and left a note in the Book of Honorary Guests.

Russian President Vladimir Putin who is paying a working visit to Cuba laid a wreath to the monument to Cuba’s national hero Jose Marti on Havana’s Revolution Square on Friday. This is a traditional protocol event for the leaders of foreign countries who visit Cuba.

The memorial is located on Revolution Square, which is the venue for major national events of the Cuban people. It is surrounded by the buildings of the Ministries of Revolutionary Armed Forces; Communications and Internal Affairs; the Jose Marti National Library and the National Theatre.

The Palace of the Revolution is the central building on the square. It is the seat of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party; the State Council (parliament) and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cuba.

After the wreath-laying ceremony, Putin visited the Jose Marti museum and left a note in the Book of Honorary Guests.

After that, the Russian head of state headed for negotiations with Raul Castro, chairman of the Cuban State Council and the Council of Ministers.

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