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Russia, Cuba sign package of cooperation documents in energy sector

The signing ceremony was held in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro.

Russia and Cuba have signed a package of cooperation documents. The signing ceremony was held on Friday in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro after their talks.

The documents included a bilateral statement on non-placement of weapons in outer space and an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the area of international information security.

Apart from that, the sides signed a number of memorandums, including a memorandum of cooperation between the two countries’ ministries of culture; a memorandum of cooperation between the two countries’ ministries of industry and trade; a memorandum of cooperation between the two countries’ ministries of health in the area of protection of men’s health; a memorandum on the development of a special centre for training fire fighters and rescuers.

The sides also signed a number of documents on practical cooperation. Thus, Russia’s oil major Rosneft and Cuba’s state oil company Cupet signed an agreement on cooperation in the area of increasing production at mature oil fields. The document provides for joint efforts on comprehensive survey at oil fields and wells in Cuba to outline possibilities for the optimization of oil production, increasing efficiency and works to be done to boost reservoir recovery.

Russia’s energy company Inter RAO Export and Cuba's Union Electrica signed a contract for the construction of four 200 megawatt units for the Maximo Gomez power plant. Apart from that, the Russian company signed a memorandum on the production and use of LED-based devices with the electronics group of the Cuban ministry of industry and trade.

Another Russian company, RusHydro, and Cuba’s Union Electrica signed a memorandum of understanding.

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