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3 Palestinians dead in Israel Air Force strikes

Over the past day law enforcers managed to eliminate 320 infrastructure facilities of Hamas’s military wing al-Qassam Brigades.

Three Palestinians were killed in Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. According to local media, the aircraft struck a vehicle carrying extremists during a military operation launched in response to rocket attacks by Palestinian extremists.

According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), over the past day law enforcers managed to eliminate 320 infrastructure facilities of Hamas’s military wing al-Qassam Brigades. Among them are 58 tunnels, 220 rocket launchers, 46 command posts, which have been used by Islamists to launch rockets at the Jewish state.
Around 800 tons of explosives have been fired by air force jets on targets this week, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The number of victims of the Israeli military operation in Gaza has reached 53 people, more than 300 injured, Palestinian news agency Maan said.

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