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Israel hits 160 targets in Gaza early Wednesday

On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the Israeli Defense Army to start preparations for the possible ground operation in Gaza.

The Israeli defense army delivered 120 strikes from the air and sea on rocket launchers in the south, north and center of the Gaza Strip early on Wednesday morning. It exploded 10 tunnels that could be used by militants for attacks on Israelis, as well as hit command posts and houses of the HAMAS leaders in the Palestinian enclave, the press service of the Israeli Defense Army told ITAR-TASS.
Israeli planes and ships hit a total of 160 targets in Gaza during the night.

On Tuesday - the first day of Operation Protective Edge in Gaza - Israeli combat aircraft and Navy delivered 430 strikes on terrorists’ infrastructure facilities in the Palestinian enclave. Most of the hit targets are rocket launchers, used by the militants for firing rockets on Israel, the army said. According to medical services and the internal affairs ministry in the Palestinian enclave, during the first day of the military operation in Gaza, 23 Palestinians were killed and more than 100 were injured.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a meeting with the leadership of security agencies of the Jewish State instructed the Israeli Defense Army to start preparations for the possible ground operation in Gaza. Then the Israeli security cabinet authorized the country’s army to call up 40,000 reservists for the preparation of a possible ground operation in the region.

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